Andy Okun provided us with a great summary of the Coffee Cup:
“With a small field of 26, this year’s Santa Monica Coffee Cup on June 23
was topped by Yixian Zhou, 6d, a long time Southern California player
and organizer. At the other end of the field, the so-called “Decaf
Division,” Yixian’s children, Anna and Andy, each around 30k, came in
joint first. Other winners of the fabled hand painted and lettered
mugs, this year colored in a stately “sangue de boeuf,” were Shangze Bi
in the low dan section, Les Lanphear and Sangho Wang in the strong kyu
section, and Marc Sarrel in the mid-kyu section. Organizer Andy Okun
promised to announce next year’s Coffee Cup much earlier. ”
I was able to swing by the tournament in the middle of the final round and grab some photos: