SoCalGo plays Hong Kong’s Go Legend

Back in December 2020 the AGA had posted about a Hong Kong club (Go Legend) looking to setup some games with US based clubs. We’ve gathered a handful of players from Southern California clubs into a team to play some friendly games! Each team has 6 players and we have played a few games so far with many more to come. Games are played every Saturday at 6p PDT on OGS. The winner of each game goes on to play the next week. This coming Saturday we will take a break so HK Go Legends can participate in a tournament.

As an added bonus Go Legend is streaming the games with commentary (in Cantonese) on their YouTube channel as they happen.

Our next game is scheduled for April 10, 2021 at 1800 PDT. We will update the game record here:

Time (PDT)Time (HKT)ServerHK PlayerW/BSoCal PlayerW/BResultGame
3/13/21 1700 (PST)3/14/21 0900 OGSelvin ouBvaughnhannonWB+Resignon OGS
3/20/21 18003/21/21 0900OGSelvin ouWskrunkBB+3.5on OGS
4/3/21 18004/4/21 0900OGSansonipBskrunkWW+26.5on OGS
4/10/21 18004/11/21 0900OGS宏諾Matthewskrunk
Game Record